Select the right one for your career
As a training service provider, Oman Fiber Optic is committed to excellence. All of our courses are based on the latest release from internationally recognised standards organisations such as FTTH Council, Broadband Association and ETA.
Technical Courses
- Fiber Awareness Course
- Fiber Optics 1-2-3
- FTTx for Installers and Technicians
- Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)
- Last Mile Connection (LMC)-FTTx
- Certified Optical Network Associate (CONA)
- FTTx Outside Plant Design
- Certified Fiber To The Home Professional (FTTH Council)
- Wireless Broadband Solution
- FTTx for High School Leavers
Fiber Awareness Course
It is developed to introduce fiber optics and to meet the educational needs of anyone involved in the industry or preparing to take further training. Designed with the novice in mind, Fiber Awareness introduces basic concepts for fiber optic communication application using easy to understand language and examples.
Course Objectives
The student will gain a basic understanding of multimode and single-mode fiber, be familiar with terminology used for describing fiber, loss, bandwidth, wavelengths, connectors, cables and other foundational concepts and applications.
Target Audience
Anyone with interest in launching their career in fiber optics.
This is a foundation course in fiber, so there are no pre-requisites.
Fiber Optics 1-2-3
Fundamentals of fiber optics are coupled with the practical hands-on training required to install and maintain fiber optic networks. Two days in classroom are dedicated to understanding of fiber technology and network components, followed by two days of hands-on training to develop cable preparation, termination, splicing, and testing skills.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand which kind of fiber and connectors to be chosen for which application and how to do splicing following international standards. This course also will provide in-depth knowledge on fiber testing equipment on various types of network. At the end of the course students will be more confident to do the job perfectly and efficient manner and timeframe.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
One year minimum experience in wireless field activities.
FTTx for Installers and Technicians
This five-day instructor-led course is designed to provide useful technical knowledge of fiber optics relating to FTTx applications, as well as the skills needed to install and test the physical layer for active Ethernet and passive optical networks (PON).
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand which type of topology to be planned based on available and future FTTx connections. They will have the ability to choose the fiber, connectors and other passive components based on the application and network requirement. Students will learn how to do splicing following international standards. This course also will provide in-depth knowledge on Fiber testing equipment for various types of network.
Target Audience
Beginner and experienced technicians, or supervisors.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not required.
Certified Fiber Optic Technician
Program prepares the student to take the CFOT (Certified Fiber Optics Technician) exam given and graded at the end of class. Student will be able to effectively and efficiently install, terminate, and test multimode fiber optic networks to existing standards.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to build a complete fiber optic installation, preparing cables, fibers, splicing, mounting connectors, and simple attenuation & OTDR measurements. Certified Fiber Optic Technician is the primary FOA certification for all fiber optics applications. CFOTs have appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job – design, installation, operation – for any application – outside plant, premises, and manufacturing, etc.
Target Audience
Professionals / fresh graduates / high school leavers.
At least one year of relevant field experience is required.
Last Mile Connection
Designed to enable and deploy skilled resources for the Last Mile Connection activities (Survey, Design, and Construction activities, Fiber Splicing, Termination and Testing). The training courses bring fundamental understanding of fiber optics plus practical skills required to install and maintain fiber optic Last Mile networks.
Course Objectives
The Trainees will gain an understanding of HSE, fiber technology, network components and construction knowledge through these training courses. Upon completion of these training courses employee will be able to:
- develop fiber optic field skills
- carry out Network Installation
- handle different types of Fiber Optic Cables
- carry out Terminations, Splicing & Testing
- understand QHSE
Target Audience
A training for those who are new to Optical fiber cable installation and maintenance and sales related jobs.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not essential.
Certified Optical Network Associate
The course is an introduction to optical networking. You will learn how to design, plan and implement cost-effective optical communications networks. The course focuses on Fiber optic networks that use either single or multiple channels using CWDM and DWDM technology, providing typically up to 10 or 25Gb/s per channel and up to 80 channels per Fiber.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to design optical links that provide high capacity, typically up to 10 or 25Gb/s per channel and up to 80 channels per fiber. Assess the quality of existing Fiber infrastructure and its suitability for different systems. Specify the components that are required to build a transmission link and describe how they should be configured. Decide when and where optical amplifiers are.
Target Audience
This is a foundation course in optical networking, so there are no pre-requisites.
FTTx Outside Plant Design
This course covers FTTH network field configurations, design benchmarks, and installation parameters for active Ethernet and PON systems. Attendees will create their own FTTx network designs in classroom break-out sessions, applying the learned objectives to distributed split, centralised split, home run, and point-to-point systems.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to create their own FTTx network designs with various topologies, distribute split, centralized split, home run, and point-to-point systems.
This five-day class has been developed with 16 hours of classroom lecture and rest of hands-on design exercises to teach attendees to apply critical issues such as take rate and density to outside plant design.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
This class requires knowledge of fiber optic theory and terminology, as well as field experience.
Certified Fiber To The Home Professional
Students will gain a broad base of knowledge and familiarity with FTTH architecture, network design, deployment technology, and operational skills. The course is intended for network designers, network planners, supervisors, and project managers that will be involved in deploying and maintaining FTTH and FTTB networks.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to gain a broad base of knowledge and familiarity with FTTH architecture, network design, deployment technology, and operational skills in this two-day course. The students will have knowledge on everything from FTTx components to FTTx systems, and includes a discussion of the business issues involved when planning FTTx systems.
Target Audience
Those involved in the planning and deployment of FTTx networks.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not required.
Wireless Broadband Solution
This course provides an introduction to Wireless Broadband technology and the industry standards. Students will also learn about spectrum standards, Microwave, Network Topology, Point-to-Point, Point-To-Multipoint Networks, Security policies, QoS and Network Management and OSS.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand wireless broadband and the standards, architecting the network to fit the business model, strategic planning of spectrum and services, setting up physical infrastructure, strategies for successful deployment of physical infrastructure, beyond access – the role of the central office, service deployment over public wireless MANs, network management and OSS and network security.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
One year minimum experience in wireless field activities.
FTTx for High School Leavers
The program is designed to develop a range of skills including technical abilities relevant to specific job roles. Apprentices are assessed based on various skills and knowledge.
Course Objectives
The student will gain the following training:
- work ethics and social soft skills
- practical competence, through a Light Brigade qualification or by ETA
- functional skills including English and Information Communication Technology (IC3)
- knowledge, usually through an international technical qualification
- personal reflective skills, thinking skills, learning skills, research skills and presentation skills
- knowledge of employment rights and responsibilities, health and safety and equality and diversity requirements
Target Audience
High school leavers with interest in launching their career in fiber optics.
This is a foundation course in fiber, so there are no pre-requisites.
Fiber Awareness Course
Fiber Awareness Course
It is developed to introduce fiber optics and to meet the educational needs of anyone involved in the industry or preparing to take further training. Designed with the novice in mind, Fiber Awareness introduces basic concepts for fiber optic communication application using easy to understand language and examples.
Course Objectives
The student will gain a basic understanding of multimode and single-mode fiber, be familiar with terminology used for describing fiber, loss, bandwidth, wavelengths, connectors, cables and other foundational concepts and applications.
Target Audience
Anyone with interest in launching their career in fiber optics.
This is a foundation course in fiber, so there are no pre-requisites.
Fiber Optics 1-2-3
Fiber Optics 1-2-3
Fundamentals of fiber optics are coupled with the practical hands-on training required to install and maintain fiber optic networks. Two days in classroom are dedicated to understanding of fiber technology and network components, followed by two days of hands-on training to develop cable preparation, termination, splicing, and testing skills.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand which kind of fiber and connectors to be chosen for which application and how to do splicing following international standards. This course also will provide in-depth knowledge on fiber testing equipment on various types of network. At the end of the course students will be more confident to do the job perfectly and efficient manner and timeframe.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
One year minimum experience in wireless field activities.
FTTx for Installers and Technicians
FTTx for Installers and Technicians
This five-day instructor-led course is designed to provide useful technical knowledge of fiber optics relating to FTTx applications, as well as the skills needed to install and test the physical layer for active Ethernet and passive optical networks (PON).
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand which type of topology to be planned based on available and future FTTx connections. They will have the ability to choose the fiber, connectors and other passive components based on the application and network requirement. Students will learn how to do splicing following international standards. This course also will provide in-depth knowledge on Fiber testing equipment for various types of network.
Target Audience
Beginner and experienced technicians, or supervisors.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not required.
Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)
Certified Fiber Optic Technician
Program prepares the student to take the CFOT (Certified Fiber Optics Technician) exam given and graded at the end of class. Student will be able to effectively and efficiently install, terminate, and test multimode fiber optic networks to existing standards.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to build a complete fiber optic installation, preparing cables, fibers, splicing, mounting connectors, and simple attenuation & OTDR measurements. Certified Fiber Optic Technician is the primary FOA certification for all fiber optics applications. CFOTs have appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job – design, installation, operation – for any application – outside plant, premises, and manufacturing, etc.
Target Audience
Professionals / fresh graduates / high school leavers.
At least one year of relevant field experience is required.
Last Mile Connection (LMC)-FTTx
Last Mile Connection
Designed to enable and deploy skilled resources for the Last Mile Connection activities (Survey, Design, and Construction activities, Fiber Splicing, Termination and Testing). The training courses bring fundamental understanding of fiber optics plus practical skills required to install and maintain fiber optic Last Mile networks.
Course Objectives
The Trainees will gain an understanding of HSE, fiber technology, network components and construction knowledge through these training courses. Upon completion of these training courses employee will be able to:
- develop fiber optic field skills
- carry out Network Installation
- handle different types of Fiber Optic Cables
- carry out Terminations, Splicing & Testing
- understand QHSE
Target Audience
A training for those who are new to Optical fiber cable installation and maintenance and sales related jobs.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not essential.
Certified Optical Network Associate (CONA)
Certified Optical Network Associate
The course is an introduction to optical networking. You will learn how to design, plan and implement cost-effective optical communications networks. The course focuses on Fiber optic networks that use either single or multiple channels using CWDM and DWDM technology, providing typically up to 10 or 25Gb/s per channel and up to 80 channels per Fiber.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to design optical links that provide high capacity, typically up to 10 or 25Gb/s per channel and up to 80 channels per fiber. Assess the quality of existing Fiber infrastructure and its suitability for different systems. Specify the components that are required to build a transmission link and describe how they should be configured. Decide when and where optical amplifiers are.
Target Audience
This is a foundation course in optical networking, so there are no pre-requisites.
FTTx Outside Plant Design
FTTx Outside Plant Design
This course covers FTTH network field configurations, design benchmarks, and installation parameters for active Ethernet and PON systems. Attendees will create their own FTTx network designs in classroom break-out sessions, applying the learned objectives to distributed split, centralised split, home run, and point-to-point systems.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to create their own FTTx network designs with various topologies, distribute split, centralized split, home run, and point-to-point systems.
This five-day class has been developed with 16 hours of classroom lecture and rest of hands-on design exercises to teach attendees to apply critical issues such as take rate and density to outside plant design.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
This class requires knowledge of fiber optic theory and terminology, as well as field experience.
Certified Fiber To The Home Professional (FTTH Council)
Certified Fiber To The Home Professional
Students will gain a broad base of knowledge and familiarity with FTTH architecture, network design, deployment technology, and operational skills. The course is intended for network designers, network planners, supervisors, and project managers that will be involved in deploying and maintaining FTTH and FTTB networks.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to gain a broad base of knowledge and familiarity with FTTH architecture, network design, deployment technology, and operational skills in this two-day course. The students will have knowledge on everything from FTTx components to FTTx systems, and includes a discussion of the business issues involved when planning FTTx systems.
Target Audience
Those involved in the planning and deployment of FTTx networks.
Fiber foundations recommended, but not required.
Wireless Broadband Solution
Wireless Broadband Solution
This course provides an introduction to Wireless Broadband technology and the industry standards. Students will also learn about spectrum standards, Microwave, Network Topology, Point-to-Point, Point-To-Multipoint Networks, Security policies, QoS and Network Management and OSS.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand wireless broadband and the standards, architecting the network to fit the business model, strategic planning of spectrum and services, setting up physical infrastructure, strategies for successful deployment of physical infrastructure, beyond access – the role of the central office, service deployment over public wireless MANs, network management and OSS and network security.
Target Audience
Wireless Field Technicians, Installers, Riggers, Support Staff, Field Supervisors and Project Engineers.
One year minimum experience in wireless field activities.
FTTx for High School Leavers
FTTx for High School Leavers
The program is designed to develop a range of skills including technical abilities relevant to specific job roles. Apprentices are assessed based on various skills and knowledge.
Course Objectives
The student will gain the following training:
- work ethics and social soft skills
- practical competence, through a Light Brigade qualification or by ETA
- functional skills including English and Information Communication Technology (IC3)
- knowledge, usually through an international technical qualification
- personal reflective skills, thinking skills, learning skills, research skills and presentation skills
- knowledge of employment rights and responsibilities, health and safety and equality and diversity requirements
Target Audience
High school leavers with interest in launching their career in fiber optics.
This is a foundation course in fiber, so there are no pre-requisites.
English Courses
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
- Academic English for Continuing Education
- General English for Work Environment
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
In cooperation with a local and international recognized entity OFO-TI provides a turnkey English course program which starts from English foundation to Technical English, the program designed to meet the mart requirement in terms of training and development for several different segments such as Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Utility, etc.
Course Objectives
IELTS preparation course is designed for students who need IELTS Band 5.5 and above. It entails the technics and strategies needed to tackle every section of the exam. The course is delivered by trained and experienced IELTS trainers using authentic IELTS materials, including the actual exam samples.
Target Audience
Anyone can join.
The program is 4 weeks long with 48 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 4 pm to 7 pm.
Academic English for Continuing Education
This is an academic skill course which, in addition to the four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking, adds the linguistic components needed for an academic environment. These components include phonological component, lexical component, syntax and sociolinguistic component. In Academic English, students are exposed to argumentative and expository contexts, learning from texts in a way that is educational and purposeful. The book, Unlock, is designed taking into account Gulf countries learners’ ability, language needs and topics of interest. The topics, academic vocabulary and practice activities are very beneficial for IELTS candidates.
Course Objectives
The units in the two books, Listening and Speaking and Reading and Writing, are carefully scaffolded so that learners build the skills and language they need throughout the unit in order to produce a successful speaking task as well as build their academic reading and writing skills. The documentary style videos from Discovery Education™ deal with a wide variety of academic subjects by activating students’ awareness of topics which adds authenticity to the lesson. The Critical Thinking section helps students use skills of analyzing, synthetizing, conceptualizing, evaluating as well as forming and expressing their own opinion.
Target Audience
The course is especially suitable for students who wish to further their education and/or professional development. The course is available at all levels from elementary to advance.
The program is 7 weeks long with 80 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 5 pm to 8 pm.
General English for Work Environment
The General English is designed to give the participants vocabulary, skills and confidence for the effective communication in real-life situations. This is balanced program that incorporates all four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking while also covering vocabulary, grammar and idiomatic expressions.
Course Objectives
- A practical, competency-based syllabus helps learners in their development of grammar, vocabulary, functions, pronunciation and skills through appropriate communicative tasks.
- Real life lessons model and practice everyday functions, preparing learners to use language in the real world.
- National Geographic video on the DVD allows teachers to bring lessons to life.
- The carefully designed Critical thinking syllabus challenges learners to understand texts at a deeper level.
- Vocabulary is introduced thematically, with additional emphasis on key words and word building in Word focus and Word building sections.
Target Audience
The course is especially suitable for students who need English for work or travel.
Each level is 7 weeks long with 80 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 4 pm to 7 pm.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
In cooperation with a local and international recognized entity OFO-TI provides a turnkey English course program which starts from English foundation to Technical English, the program designed to meet the mart requirement in terms of training and development for several different segments such as Oil & Gas, Telecommunications, Utility, etc.
Course Objectives
IELTS preparation course is designed for students who need IELTS Band 5.5 and above. It entails the technics and strategies needed to tackle every section of the exam. The course is delivered by trained and experienced IELTS trainers using authentic IELTS materials, including the actual exam samples.
Target Audience
Anyone can join.
The program is 4 weeks long with 48 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 4 pm to 7 pm.
Academic English for Continuing Education
Academic English for Continuing Education
This is an academic skill course which, in addition to the four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking, adds the linguistic components needed for an academic environment. These components include phonological component, lexical component, syntax and sociolinguistic component. In Academic English, students are exposed to argumentative and expository contexts, learning from texts in a way that is educational and purposeful. The book, Unlock, is designed taking into account Gulf countries learners’ ability, language needs and topics of interest. The topics, academic vocabulary and practice activities are very beneficial for IELTS candidates.
Course Objectives
The units in the two books, Listening and Speaking and Reading and Writing, are carefully scaffolded so that learners build the skills and language they need throughout the unit in order to produce a successful speaking task as well as build their academic reading and writing skills. The documentary style videos from Discovery Education™ deal with a wide variety of academic subjects by activating students’ awareness of topics which adds authenticity to the lesson. The Critical Thinking section helps students use skills of analyzing, synthetizing, conceptualizing, evaluating as well as forming and expressing their own opinion.
Target Audience
The course is especially suitable for students who wish to further their education and/or professional development. The course is available at all levels from elementary to advance.
The program is 7 weeks long with 80 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 5 pm to 8 pm.
General English for Work Environment
General English for Work Environment
The General English is designed to give the participants vocabulary, skills and confidence for the effective communication in real-life situations. This is balanced program that incorporates all four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking while also covering vocabulary, grammar and idiomatic expressions.
Course Objectives
- A practical, competency-based syllabus helps learners in their development of grammar, vocabulary, functions, pronunciation and skills through appropriate communicative tasks.
- Real life lessons model and practice everyday functions, preparing learners to use language in the real world.
- National Geographic video on the DVD allows teachers to bring lessons to life.
- The carefully designed Critical thinking syllabus challenges learners to understand texts at a deeper level.
- Vocabulary is introduced thematically, with additional emphasis on key words and word building in Word focus and Word building sections.
Target Audience
The course is especially suitable for students who need English for work or travel.
Each level is 7 weeks long with 80 in-class focused hours. The course will run from Sunday to Wednesday 4 pm to 7 pm.
Courses Split
Oman Fiber Optic expert lecturers understand clients’ training needs. They are certified, technically skilled and have real world practical experience in fiber optics.
A significant percentage of lab and field experiment is spent during training on building, testing and troubleshooting a real fiber optic system so the skills learned through classroom are actively performed.
Lab Experiments
Field Experiments
Home Study
Courses split
Oman Fiber Optic expert lecturers understand clients’ training needs. They are certified, technically skilled and have real world practical experience in fiber optics.
A significant percentage of lab and field experiment is spent during training on building, testing and troubleshooting a real fiber optic system so the skills learned through classroom are actively performed.
Lab Experiments
Field Experiments
Home Study
Career Opportunities
The OFO Training Institute offers courses to everyone no matter the experience. After successfully passing the certification, our students can benefit from their evolving career.

Graduate Next Steps
Graduates from our programs are accepted to work as:
Fiber Optics Cable (FOC) Assistant Technician
FTTx Project Supervisor
FTTx Planner
FOC Backbone Supervisor
FOC Backbone Planner
Quantity Surveyor (OSP)
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